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New Year Reset

We finally made it...the end of the most difficult year any of us will probably face in our lifetime. Normally we would all be preparing for the New Year with...

We finally made it...the end of the most difficult year any of us will probably face in our lifetime. Normally we would all be preparing for the New Year with countless resolutions while we think about all the extra-indulgent foods we just ate over the holidays. This year looks very different because the majority of the world is hoping for something we haven’t seen in a while- normalcy.

From facing a global pandemic that has brought a sense of fear and great sadness we haven’t ever felt before, to dealing with societal issues that have tested the strength of our entire country, it’s clear to see why so many of us are looking for a reset in 2021. If this year has taught us anything, it’s that there are countless things that happen which we cannot control. What we can control however, is the way we choose to respond to these challenges. This means taking care of our mind, body, and soul.

Feeling the pressures of everything that happens around us can quickly take us off track and add even more stress. Something I’ve found that’s been so helpful throughout this year filled with uncertainty is sticking to a routine that keeps my mind & body the healthiest it possibly can be. 

This year my resolution is to dig deep, find gratitude in the things that I can control, and continue to refine my self care routine. If you’re looking for ways to start the New Year off on a positive note, check out our tips below. We also have some inspirational words of wisdom from our PPB Ambassadors to give you that extra boost of motivation as we sprint towards 2021. 

All Aboard

Instead of going to extremes, start with a few smart, reasonable adjustments that you can actually stick with:

  • Take time to relax and regroup. After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season a little self care goes a long way towards getting you back in a healthy groove. 
  • Meal planning is the key to ensuring that well balanced delicious meals are at your fingertips and will help you avoid grab-n-go pitfalls. Remember to stock up on fruits, vegetables and high protein snacks to keep you going.
  • If you have heard it once, you have heard it a million times - stay hydrated! Drinking plenty of water helps to keep your body functioning optimally (especially when exercising). And, as a bonus, it may help curb your hunger as well! 
  • If you need to ease back into your exercise routine, start by committing to just a few days a week. You don’t have to pick up right where you left off. It can be as simple as turning up the music and dancing or even taking a walk, as long as you just get moving again!
  • Get plenty of sleep! If you don’t get enough shut-eye you won’t have enough energy or motivation to keep on moving. Not only that, the lack of sleep can wreak havoc on your hormones leaving you out of balance and just feeling ‘off’. 


Words of Wisdom

Need some more inspiration? We had some of our ambassadors weigh in and give us their best advice on how to get the new year started right.

  • Fitness expert Aly, @alygrayfit says “Make realistic goals and log daily progress. Whether you crushed a workout at the gym or just took a walk around the block, tracking will hold you accountable and motivate you to keep going and inspire healthier decision making. Remember it’s all of the small wins that make a big difference.” For unlimited classes, fitness challenges and virtual training, checkout

  • Laura, @thesassydietician, reminds us that “You don't need to make big changes to see big results. Start with the small simple things like getting 7-9 hours of sleep, moving your body on a consistent basis, adding in more fruits & veggies, etc. Fad diets FADE whereas simple changes last.” Check out @thesassydietitian on Instagram where Laura  breaks down all the Nutrition BS out there and provides recipes!

  • The bottom line is “Multiple lifestyle factors work together to preserve your weight and health. Focusing on sustainable eating changes, regular activity that you can fit into your schedule, and the social support and accountability that you need to reach your goals is your best bet for attaining and maintaining a healthy weight that lasts a lifetime” says pre and postnatal fitness specialist Kate, @beyondfitmom. For more tips for Fit Moms, check out Kate’s instagram @beyondfitmom!

  • “...remember that wellness comes from life balance, not bodily perfection,” Jenn, @jennlabfit. For recipes, workouts and tips on creating life balance check out @jennlabfit on instagram, or

  • When it comes to starting your New Year’s resolutions, Breyanna, @breyfit_ tells you to “Just Start ! Stop waiting for the perfect time. Also , in the moment where you want to quit , do the opposite and watch how your body responds.” Checkout Breyanna’s instagram @breyfit_ for food and fitness inspiration!

  • Need some quick workouts? Checkout Stacie, @stacejaym “… Sweat With Stace workouts! They are designed to be effective, fast and always done in under an hour so you can get the most out of your workout & move on with your day!” For fun, effective workouts and nutrition plans to jump start you into the New Year, check out @stacejaym on Instagram or

  • Dawn, swears by meal prepping! “ I love preparing breakfasts, lunches, and healthy snacks ahead of time so that they are easy to grab whenever I need them!” For workouts and motivation, check out on Instagram!

  • You can find more workouts from Naomi, @naomi.rotstein! Her favorite workouts are, “circuit training with weights! Set a timer for however long you have, throw together 5-6 movements and go through them as quick as possible! For instance 10 goblet squats, 10 reverse lunges 10 push ups, 10 shoulder presses, 10 deadlifts...repeat! STRENGTH > CARDIO always for me!” For more motivation and inspo, check out Naomi on Instagram @naomi.rotstein and


  • Kayla McLellan, @kaylamclellan7 #1 tip on starting those New Year goals is to, “start small and know your why. If your focus is on movement and just feeling overall better, stick to that. Don't focus on technical exercises you see on social media. Know your why! Why do you want to start your health and fitness journey? Everyone has different goals and needs, so write yours down and if you ever get lost, travel back to why you started in the first place. Life is fragile, however our bodies don't have to be!” For strength-based workouts and posts on technique, check out @kaylamclellan7 on Instagram!
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