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Casual Friday Every Day!

Is working at home working for you?  If your temporary home office has now become permanent, embrace your new reality!

Is working at home working for you?  If your temporary home office has now become permanent, embrace your new reality!

Create Your Space

If you have spent the past few months roaming around your home with laptop in tow, it’s time to get serious about where you work and think about setting up a designated area. Even if space is tight, try to find the most private spot that works for you.  Choose a desk or table that can accommodate whatever supplies you need during the day and add a comfortable chair to avoid neck and back discomfort.  If background noise is a distraction, streaming your favorite playlist can help keep you focused. With the proper lighting you can not only avoid eye-strain you will also look great for all those tele-conferencing calls!

Dedicate Yourself 

Working at home can be liberating but it also requires discipline and dedication. Keeping a set schedule and routine will make you feel better and help maximize productivity.  Even though it may be tempting to roll out of bed ten minutes before your first meeting, allow enough time to get through your morning routine before the work day begins. A solid workout first thing gets you moving and motivated. To stay on track, be mindful of good eating habits. We all know it can be tough to work steps away from the kitchen.  Resist the temptation to graze all day just because it's readily available.  Plan your meals ahead of time and when you do snack, make sure to have high protein, low sugar snacks on hand. This will keep your blood sugar levels steady and help avoid the mid-morning/mid-afternoon energy crash. And, when you realize hours have gone by and you have not looked up from the computer, remember to take a break and move around. 

Keep the Conversation Going

If you're used to lunch with coworkers or grabbing coffee mid-morning, you may be missing the camaraderie with your friends.  With a little creativity you can still have that meaningful interaction, just remotely.  Instead of a quick email or text, take the time to call your crew directly or keep a team chat up and running for regular check ins and to make sure there is still a free flow of productive ideas. Your friends may be feeling the same way you are, so, even though you're no longer in the office together you can still meet for regular happy hours, even if it is virtually!

Change isn’t always easy but it can be fantastic. Think about the extra hours you will have in your day since you will no longer be sitting in traffic while commuting.  The smaller dry cleaning bills are a bonus too!  Appreciate the benefits this new lifestyle may bring and find ways to make your work at home life as productive as it can be.  

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